June 27th, 2010 | Bill McIntosh, Founder

YouTube is missing a huge marketing opportunity with no category for Business & Finance.  It is hard to believe that the categories of  Education and Travel & Events could be in more demand, particularly into today’s economic environ. YouTube needs to offer at least a category of small business resources. Additionally such a category would direct entrepreneurs to find opportunities to learn new and more effective ways of doing or even starting a business, as well as helping consumers to find access to products that they could purchase, that would in turn help them with their financial needs or questions.

On the other hand, social bookmarking and news site Digg has recognized this need by providing such a category on their website.

I am sure that the amount of potential market that YouTube is not taking advantage of is enormous. Imagine how many businesses, banks, insurance agencies and those with money and knowledge could be put to work to build a network for opportunity and pay YouTube dearly to do so. Sounds like an opportunity to take advantage of for someone.

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