Unique Content is King Within Online Conversation

Unique content is still king in online marketing. Search engines still love unique content, and the more useful content there is on your website, the more opportunities you give searchers to find your products and services. Here are some easy to follow online marketing tips concerning how to more effectively use original content:
- Record everything and transcribe it all into text. Interviews, training sessions with your staff, questions asked of you from your clients, surveys, conversations, product DVD’s, personal opinions, etc.
- Convert support emails into FAQ pages on your web site
- Turn PDF’s into HTML pages (although PDF files can rank on their own)
- Initiate and publish videos about everything your company does, stands for and problems that it solves.
- Successes and testimonials that you have achieved.
- Turn solved problems and unique experiences into blog postings and online articles.
We often here on what can be offered as unique? Each story that you hear from a customer is unique, just like the individual themselves. What you may not realize is that the conversation that you are having in “real life” are the very conversations that people are having within the online world.
The nest time you ask yourself in frustration, “What unique content can I add to the online conversation?”, you simply need to step back and listen. Listen to what people are saying, how they are saying it and what language they are using to describe their problems, their hopes and their goals. As well, read articles in local papers and industry blogs. from these conversations all you have to do is feature your solutions, your own spin to the conversational mix and your views on how conditions could be changed or rectified.
Everyday, so many interesting stories are happening all around us. Everyday, we make observations on how we view things. This all can be rapidly turned into original content for your web site, your blog, press releases and online articles.
Tags: blog, content, conversation, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, marketing tips, onlilne, online articles, pdf, press release, search engines, unique content