Social Bookmarking Does More Then Just Track Your Favorite Sites

By now we all have been using the bookmarking options or buttons from our web providers like “Bookmark This Page” or “Add To Favorites” but some of us are actually taking advantage of bookmarking sites like Delicious.  These sites will track all of the feeds or pages that you bookmark but in a social type of account so you can have access to all of your bookmarks from any ones computer, anywhere and at any time.  It sure beats wanting to show someone something you found and not being able to remember the link that is sitting at home on your computer.

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The Burger Wasn’t Delicious: Understand Social Bookmarking

So many terms, so many things to learn. Just when we started to understand social media (a work in progress), then someone throws out a new term like “social bookmarking.”

Yesterday I was with two friends. One was eating a burger and I talked about delicious. The other person was confused, thinking I was talking about the burger. She did not understand that delicious is a social bookmarking site. This confirmed to my burger eating friend that this is a subject that is not only misunderstood, but has not been evaluated to its importance from a SEO and SEM standpoint.

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